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Founded in 2016, NoKyosho has operated as a community of creative professionals.  together we have been able to help each other create and grow.

The artists that made up the foundations of NoKyosho have since then started their own businesses and brands.

in this day n age, it feels as if there are more gimmicks being promoted than anything of actual substance.

there’s this rush to be first, the loudest, and the quickest. so many individuals are being inspired to cut corners, to mass produce, to water themselves down, or simply fit in a mold.

we want to create, highlight and promote those boundary pushers, the truly creative thinkers, the individuals who aren’t afraid to make mistakes, the ones who understand that art and creativity aren’t a trend to capitalize on; but instead are a way of life.

a lot of modern creatives are afraid to step outside of “the box”, in fear of the all-mighty algorithms. humans dictate taste, not algorithms. algorithms simply show us more of what we like, but just because we may like certain things now, doesn’t mean that the popular taste can’t be guided and changed.

RICK RUBEN stated brilliantly that “The audience doesn't know what they want. The audience only knows what's come before."

everything that we do, and promote will be in an attempt to push original ideas, and concepts designed to inspire future generations of creatives; also, to simply change “the taste” to what we like, because well…our taste is… simply better.

We will inspire the creative industry by providing consistent, strong examples of quality, showmanship, and originality.